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Fyodor Krasniy

36 / Boy


  • 2011-10-31
  • 29
  • 214
  • 2010
  • Painting
  • Gouache
  • Surreal


Price and availability not indicated


death, dark, winter, gothic, cold, salute, age, inevitable, horror, stone, passage


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Other artworks by Fyodor Krasniy


- December -

Description by Fyodor Krasniy

This work is a representation of fear in facing the inevitable condemnation; akin to execution on the coldest day of December. It is the embodiment of fear of the inevitable doom, not death, but something worse. A soul sucking void waits at the end of a long militaristic salute, yet the salute does not hail and praise the one to walk down the long corridor into the darkness; it is made to crush any hope and remind one that all will fall just like they have. Heads up high, their husks frozen in time, moving only to let another soul through to the void to which all returns, eventually to join the ranks along the wall. Outside, the cold wind howls in the grey bleakness as the snow blankets itself thickly on the cold stone ground. On the deepest personal level this is my representation of fear of ageing, inevitably coming back to to the place from which I came.

  • custos

    custos 2011-10-31 18:49:21

    First, welcome at FuturMaestri, Fyo! Then, it is brrr, your vision is so scary. Yet its rendering is very fine! And with gouache; I like it a lot.
    (Poor december, it strives a lot to please people with Santa Claus and Christmas. I usually find January or February more rankling and hopeless.