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44 / Girl


  • 2012-01-22
  • 19
  • 137
  • 2009
  • Painting
  • -
  • Animals


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painting, oil, ram, agony


(4 votes)

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JPG, 991 × 726

Other artworks by Ninania

Speechless agony

- Speechless agony -

Description by Ninania

Oil on canvas. I have used also a little bitt lamb-like fleece fabric to make more feeling of a sheep wool and to bring some three-dimensionality in the painting. This is an indication of the honor of my father\'s memory.

  • custos

    custos 2012-01-26 01:50:35

    The sight - together with the other pieces in this series, if it is a series - is quite grim but otherwise your solution for bringing palpability to this subject is amazing! The sheep seems to gradually dissolve into the snow.

  • Ninania

    Ninania 2012-01-31 09:12:14

    Thank you for your comment. It is a series and yes it is grim series. I did my grief work through these paintings and I tried to express my feelings what I was going through. With this painting I try to express my mental pain and the bad feeling inside of me. The last painting in the series is Transparent and there I\'m kind of feeling beaten by the whole issue and somehow transparent. The first painting kind of says everything in it\'s name...Fathers death.