Futurmaestri.net Quality fine art by contemporary young artists & Friends beta

United Kingdom
33 / Boy


  • 2013-04-20
  • 0
  • 28
  • 2012
  • Graphic Arts
  • Pen and Ink
  • Surreal


Price and availability not indicated


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Other artworks by Kyri

surreal patience

- surreal patience -

Description by Kyri

mantis, i think, symbolize patience.... even when you see them they stand there patient waiting to attack there prey... and in some ways they also represent stillness and calm but i like to think patience tops them up...... i mean there even a martial art to it and they use it as such...... humans need patience, sometime been patient does more than running around making things worse, you just need to let the thing take there course sometimes......well that's what i think