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Fyodor Krasniy

36 / Boy


  • 2011-10-31
  • 22
  • 339
  • 2009
  • Painting
  • Gouache
  • Horror


Price and availability not indicated


death, horror, war, holocaust, terror, ghost, spectre, gloom


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Other artworks by Fyodor Krasniy

The Herb Girls of Birkenau

- The Herb Girls of Birkenau -

Description by Fyodor Krasniy

Inspired by one of my favourite songs by \'Rasputina\' Birkenau was a death camp complex in the concentration camp Auschwitz, during WWII in Gemany. \"Experiment victims walk by on a hill With berries in aprons, I still see them.\" This is a depiction of twisted ghosts from the deathcamps. The way they still haunt the hillsides drenched in blood, and torment to remind us of what we are capable of. I am fascinated by the things humanity does to itself, the horrors and evils. There seems to be as much creativity for evil as for good. And a lot of people tend to deny that evil in themselves, in turn letting it go unhindered. I believe that if we accept our demons and the terrors that we keep inside, then we can tame them. Tame them and use them for good. Which is why I paint beautiful terrors, so the viewer can at the same time, be horrified, and yet have a desire for them.