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30 / Girl

Joined 2012


Hannah is a Fine Artist who finds her best expression through traditional painting. She has also explored digital methods of photography, video art and digital painting. She is especially interested in the concept of the post-modern identity and notion of multiplicity. The problem with society is how easily we can be influenced and how little we seem to notice this. She constantly seeks to question the human condition - is there an essential self, or is every aspect of our personality formed from social constructions? If you wish to contact Hannah, please message through Facebook.


  • custos

    custos 2012-05-13 03:32:18

    Hello Hannah, welcome on FuturMaestri! Your nature studies from a close-up are especially interesting but I like all your works.

  • Hannah-Boaden

    Hannah-Boaden 2012-06-02 19:08:42

    Thank you. Landscape and nature seem to be my best pieces.