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35 / Boy


  • 2011-12-24
  • 16
  • 164
  • 2011
  • Painting
  • Acrylic
  • Surreal


Price and availability not indicated


planets, stars, earth, laughing, stock


(2 votes)

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JPG, 1046 × 1036

Other artworks by Iranon

The Laughing Stock of the Stars

- The Laughing Stock of the Stars -

  • custos

    custos 2011-12-25 22:55:00

    Welcome here, finally!
    Why is (s)he so ridiculous for the others? What I regret is that you haven\'t attached music to it.

  • Iranon

    Iranon 2012-01-12 02:05:56

    Thanks ! This painting was one of my ideas about a musical album, with a very complicated text to write and describe. It\'s about life and its capacity to act free, unpredictably... Once fairly developped, life can be destructive for the laws of motion, and make an imbalance. These laws are kind of health, or destiny for the stars, and that imbalance can be considered as a disease. The other planets make fun of the Earth, infected by life, this disease that they don\'t know, as children getting rid of a classmate different, rather than seeing the beauty in it that difference.

  • Iranon

    Iranon 2012-01-12 02:07:58

    And I don\'t have music that can fit with my paintings for the moment, I\'ll do it soon ;)