Futurmaestri.net Quality fine art by contemporary young artists & Friends beta

40 / Girl


  • 2012-01-22
  • 0
  • 116
  • 2012
  • Painting
  • Watercolour
  • Portrait


Price and availability not indicated


(2 votes)
Was This a Self Portrait

- Was This a Self Portrait -

Description by Susanna

This one comes with a poem: I routinely come to this conclusion when I leap from the edge of confusion that I like an expression of despair on anything and I like to fathom all that is hovering beneath the illusions of everything\'s good and people are worth having someone to love and something to examine I once met a man who would pour Words ornated with praise for me, my looks my tits my ass my wisdom of books So, commited on forgetting all the rest there I nested on a strangers bed clothes and thoughts and all undressed Now if this was a self portrait and if I believed in god the great despot who comminates the ones who think for themselves I\'d most admittedly sink to the wells of hell and sell my nonexistent soul at the cost of not being in this world deserted and lost