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11 / Boy


  • 2012-05-18
  • 20
  • 87
  • 2011
  • Digital Arts
  • -
  • Fantasy


Price and availability not indicated


surreal, music, fantasy, band, tim, childish, kiebooms


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JPG, 1000 × 705

Other artworks by Tim_K

Music Band

- Music Band -

Description by Tim_K

Music Band is an expression of my own fantasies. Combining concepts and ideas that were gathered in my small sketchbook, I tried to create my own surreal music band. I\\\\\\\'ve always been very nostalgic when it came to my days as a naïve 5 year old child. Believing in magic, fairy tales and other fantasies, I had the feeling that I lived in my own magical tale. So now, with every drawing I make, I try to reëxperience just a glimpse of that feeling. And this is one of those drawings with which I\\\\\\\'ve succeeded.

  • custos

    custos 2012-05-19 13:54:52

    I reaqlly like it a lot, it has such a strong atmosphere, I think the viewer can also experience at least a similar feeling as you can.

  • Tim_K

    Tim_K 2012-05-20 19:49:19

    I\'m glad you like it that much. When I just finished this one I actually disliked it a bit, because I had been staring at it for a rather long time. I even took a brake between working on it since they technique I used at that moment, was rather time consuming and I got sick of staring at it.
    But now it actually became one of my personal favorites and the roughness that was a consequence of my impatience has now become a quality to it (in my opinion).