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38 / Boy


  • 2012-02-13
  • 23
  • 153
  • 2010
  • Painting
  • Acrylic
  • Nature


Price and availability not indicated


nature, pine, fire, pram, plantation


(1 votes)

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JPG, 3648 × 2824

Other artworks by akielsgaard

Search for The Danish Wilderness

- Search for The Danish Wilderness -

Description by akielsgaard

Denmark is dominated by an agricultural landscape. Native forest is almost absent. The pram on this picture is not for baby carriage. It is used for luggage, when you are roaming about the countryside. Travelling the Danish countryside awakes a lot of conflicting emotions in me - kind of a \"love/hate\" relationship.

  • custos

    custos 2012-02-14 12:57:19

    Welcome on FuturMaestri! This is quite a mysterious painting without any explanation... anyway, I like it, both the composition and lights and colours!

  • akielsgaard

    akielsgaard 2012-02-14 20:50:33

    You\'re right. It could use an explanation. I have updated the description above...

  • custos

    custos 2012-02-15 13:38:15

    Thanks for your explanation! Well, it raises new questions about the complicacies of such a relationship towards one\'s home country. What is that you don\'t like in it? I don\'t know Denmark but probably can compare your feelings with mines about Hungary. Earlier I just couldn\'t stand poplars (the very tall and thin sort ) which are regarded the hallmarks of Hungarian countryside; and not even the pale colurs in summer... In the last years I got to be more understanding.