Futurmaestri.net Fiatal tehetségek a képzőművészetben & Barátaik beta

Browseable collections

The collections you have created became browseable. Show the others what you like, organize FuturMaestri in your way!

Well, although your collections are already public, they are still hard to find at the moment. We will soon find a way to provide better publicity for you.

  • Rizal Pramana

    Rizal Pramana 2013-03-22 17:27:09

    I'm wondering is there any limit to these collection artworks?
    btw it's great feature, hunting your favorite artwork is actually quite fun!

  • szabo.b.gabor

    szabo.b.gabor 2013-03-26 16:25:33

    Technically there's no limit at the moment. We are happy that you find this feature great.