Futurmaestri.net Quality fine art by contemporary young artists & Friends beta

United States
29 / Boy


  • 2012-05-27
  • 17
  • 98
  • 2012
  • Painting
  • Oil
  • Landscape


Price and availability not indicated


forest, morning, color, white, pastel, blue, reflection, a, green, trees, lake, happy, light, impressionism, water, pink, brown, orange, fauvism, river, boat, peaceful, bank, quiet, joyful, early, hours


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Other artworks by dunn95

A Peaceful Morning

- A Peaceful Morning -

Description by dunn95

Oil on Canvas, 12 x 12 inches. A morning scene with a boat on a secluded lake. With pastel-like colors and light of morning. My hopes were to create a relaxing painting, a happy, peaceful feel and joy of a quiet morning.

  • custos

    custos 2012-06-04 00:38:49

    Your painting and the description to it called Arthur Ransome\'s Swallows and Amazons (and the other parts of this series) to my mind - I loved it when I was a child!

  • dunn95

    dunn95 2012-06-04 03:30:52

    Really? I\'m glad, cause I was hoping that it would have that effect on people. Either bringing nice memories to mind or feeling relaxed.