Futurmaestri.net Quality fine art by contemporary young artists & Friends beta

United States
29 / Boy


  • 2012-06-22
  • 18
  • 89
  • 2012
  • Painting
  • Oil
  • Animals


Price and availability not indicated


fox, night, red, dog, animals, in, cat, trees, cold, orange, snow, north, stealth, survivial, thing, sneaky


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Other artworks by dunn95

Stealth in Survival

- Stealth in Survival -

Description by dunn95

I had the urge to paint an animal since I haven\'t really done so yet, so here\'s a fox. It\'s not the best, but I feel it\'s good for my first painted fox. The pictures on google weren\'t much help because of the angle and position that I wanted the fox to be in, but I think I did that best I could in getting that. Anyway, it was fun, A fox in the snow. I got a tad experimentive with the background, but it turned out, interesting...ha.