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United States
29 / Boy


  • 2012-08-16
  • 9
  • 90
  • 2012
  • Painting
  • Oil
  • Still Life


Price and availability not indicated


passion, old, paper, music, pen, ink, harmony, candle, light, melody, table, silver, baroque, feather, glow, classical, composer, staffs, treble, bass, clef, staves, quill, composing, writing, flame, stand, roll, scroll


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Description by dunn95

Oil on Canvas, 8 x 10 inches. A small Still Life of music sheets, rolls of paper, a candle, and an ink and quill. I\'m really enjoying doing these music still lifes in the candlelight and I plan to do them more often, depends, but I think they feel right and suite the subject the way I want it too.

  • Enrique Cedillo

    Enrique Cedillo 2012-08-16 23:01:56

    You should definitely keep going in this direction! This is undoubtedly your best work so far. Congrats!

  • Enrique Cedillo

    Enrique Cedillo 2012-08-16 23:11:41

    I bet the real texture of it is not showing in this picture. But one can feel it anyway :D

  • dunn95

    dunn95 2012-08-16 23:18:08

    Thank you! I think I did better with the lighting on this one, feels more like the light from an actual candle this time. And I do plan on it, I love painting with candlelight as well and I like the baroque-ish style mixed with my own. And yeah, not the best picture, but the paint is pretty think in some places, especially around and on the candle and quill. Thanks again, ha :D

  • custos

    custos 2012-08-18 02:11:00

    Next time you should add a skull to the composition :)
    I\'m just kidding (although not entirely: skulls and other stuff fits the memento mori-issue) but anyway, I also like this a lot! The quill and the light around the candle the most.

  • dunn95

    dunn95 2012-08-21 00:42:22

    I\'ve actually considered doing that in the past in order to practice painting with candle light, since I\'ve seen it done so many times in baroque art. I may still try it, but I\'m enjoying the music aspect in these types of painting, But I\'m sure one day I will try that out.