Futurmaestri.net Quality fine art by contemporary young artists & Friends beta

United States
29 / Boy


  • 2012-10-09
  • 0
  • 29
  • 2012
  • Painting
  • Oil


Price and availability not indicated


(2 votes)

Other artworks by dunn95

When Flames Rise

- When Flames Rise -

Description by dunn95

Oil on Canvas, 18 x 24 inches. This is for my AP Lit. Project which is the Alternative book report. I did mine on Fahrenheit 451, I actually really enjoyed the book and wanted to take the opportunity I had for this project to actually put the images I had in my head during the book onto canvas. First off, I wanted the flames to be intense to the point where they can almost be felt. In the flame is Montag's burning house and he stands in front watching what he has just done as the house along with the TV burns along with the books. The hound's green eyes watch in the bush and the "salamander", or firetruck, sits on the street deep in the foreground, which also has an actually salamander sitting on top for symbolism. The red glow behind the burning city is representative of both upcoming nuclear war and the dawn of what will be a new day, sunrise, afterwards. I wanted the colors to be bold as well, since the warm colors were symbols throughout the book. Anyway, after that long description, I hope I did the book some justice and I hope the painting is enjoyed and give an impact, ha.