Futurmaestri.net Fiatal tehetségek a képzőművészetben & Barátaik beta
Enrique Cedillo

39 / Boy


  • 2012-08-15
  • 14
  • 125
  • 2012
  • Painting
  • Watercolour
  • Horror


Price and availability not indicated


evil, dream, horror, nightmare


(4 szavazat)

Eredeti fájl letöltése

JPG, 1766 × 2543

Enrique Cedillo egyéb alkotásai


- CCS -

Enrique Cedillo leírása

When I was a kid, I used to dream about this man who frightened me senseless. For endless nights I met him in nightmares, until one time it ended all suddenly. I remember that in the dream I just knew he wasn\'t there anymore and a feeling of relief came to me. I was walking near home and saw a grave (which I knew was his) marked only as \"CCS\". Then I woke up. I\'ve never dreamed him since then, but it is an episode I will never forget, how frightened I was. I\'m trying to reconstruct the faint image of CCS that remains, while also trying to experiment stylistically, getting somehow away from what I usually do.

  • custos

    custos 2012-08-16 04:59:59

    Your painting is really evoking a nightmare and as such it seems to be very effective in alienating the depressive feeling. We used to have a poster of an exhibition of Mexican masks in our room with my sister which was a bit similar to this one, and we were quite frightened of it through a couple of years...

  • Enrique Cedillo

    Enrique Cedillo 2012-08-16 22:37:27

    There is a mask museum in Zacatecas, a town in central Mexico, that I think you\'d love to see, and I think you\'re right: we\'re so accustomed to these things in our culture that I think most of us don\'t realize how utterly macabre they are. Thanks for the comment! :)

  • custos

    custos 2012-08-19 06:20:40

    Thanks for the reference, I\'ve checked it, it would be very interesting to visit this museum - probably some day I\'ll get there :)