Futurmaestri.net Fiatal tehetségek a képzőművészetben & Barátaik beta

United Kingdom
30 / Girl


  • 2012-03-31
  • 3
  • 138
  • 2012
  • Painting
  • Acrylic
  • Tájkép


Price and availability not indicated


nature, landscape, green, plants, waterlilies


(5 szavazat)

Hannah-Boaden egyéb alkotásai


- Waterlilies -

Hannah-Boaden leírása

I have always been fond of nature, and the particular form of waterlilies is interesting in a dualistic sense. The lily pad occurs in an array of rich green through to red-drenched browns lying dense and heavy in its saturated state; juxtaposed to this are the flowers, the delicate lilies touched by a faint yellow that dissolves into sunlight thereby creating a union of light and dark. The painting itself was produced with a 'glazing' method in order to build up subtle layers upon the petals. This process can sometimes feel a bit tedious, but I feel it was worthwhile in creating one of my most delicate works.

  • Mind-Scape

    Mind-Scape 2012-04-07 03:54:13

    Wow! Amazing texture.

  • Hannah-Boaden

    Hannah-Boaden 2012-06-02 19:11:50

    Thank you for the comments. I would not have compared myself to someone as renowned as Monet, so that really encourages me. I hope to continue to develop my nature studies at university.