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34 / Girl


  • 2011-11-14
  • 24
  • 262
  • 0
  • Graphic Arts
  • Pen and Ink
  • Abstract


Price and availability not indicated


black, ink, white, scream, ages, gray


(2 votes)

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JPG, 1578 × 1193

Other artworks by Umah

Scream of the ages

- Scream of the ages -

Description by Umah

The concept behind this drawing is that of the struggles, the pain, the loss, the desires of humanity as it moves on in time. The drawing is very little (10x15 cm) so sorry for the bad quality of the image.

  • custos

    custos 2011-11-17 21:51:16

    It is so expressive! Reminiscent in some way to your drawing of a dream in its symbolic richness. And the shapes, on the other hand, recall that of a pine cone.
    Do you feel the history of mankind is none but so gloomy? But you may be right.

  • Turnip

    Turnip 2011-11-17 21:53:21

    I was away for a long time and now I have found this wonderful drawing. Pain and struggle gives birth to another struggle etc.

  • Umah

    Umah 2011-11-17 22:46:58

    Thank you Turnip and Custos!
    I\'m so glad people understand and appreciate my work!