Futurmaestri.net Fiatal tehetségek a képzőművészetben & Barátaik beta

27 / Girl


  • 2011-10-17
  • 38
  • 177
  • 2011
  • Painting
  • Watercolour
  • Fantasy


Price and availability not indicated


(3 szavazat)

Eredeti fájl letöltése

JPG, 4000 × 3000

Undertaker egyéb alkotásai

Fallen Foes.

- Fallen Foes. -

Undertaker leírása

When I was drawing this, I went all lyk: \"wut?\" cuz I don´t have the slightest idea what I thought while drawing this :D:D Such a sensless picture...oh well, I can do that too, now can´t I? I still hope you like it anyways, even though there is as much sense as bread :D ____________________________________________ ~ Vanished with all marks for motion, Ackward Angel\'s lost devotion, One by one escort us home, Like those nuclear debris of plastic toys, As \"Now!\", cried the stars when upon the earth Their gaze might rush, their nostalgia burst, Elements be heard through all the cosmos For the dying humanity with fallen foes .