Futurmaestri.net Fiatal tehetségek a képzőművészetben & Barátaik beta

37 / Boy


  • 2011-10-13
  • 24
  • 163
  • 2008
  • Graphic Arts
  • Colored Pencil
  • Szürrealista


Price and availability not indicated


(1 szavazat)

Eredeti fájl letöltése

JPG, 759 × 1052

john-indian egyéb alkotásai

Red Night

- Red Night -

john-indian leírása

Monograph work Bright light almost blinding Black night still there shining I can\'t stop, keep on climbing Looking for what I knew...

  • custos

    custos 2011-10-13 21:21:57

    Brrr, huhh, it\'s so depressing or rather expressing anxiety, but it was your aim, wasn\'t it? Fits very well to the music also.
    What are those red eyes here and there?

  • john-indian

    john-indian 2011-10-13 22:39:34

    thanks for the commentary, custos, I tried to create something dark with strong and warm colors, that remember a nightmare, so the eyes on the character and scenery is to reinforce that, I\'m not that good with color pencils but.... I\'m trying, and sorry for my terrible english