Futurmaestri.net Quality fine art by contemporary young artists & Friends beta

United Kingdom
33 / Boy


  • 2014-11-01
  • 0
  • 37
  • 2014
  • Graphic Arts
  • Pen and Ink
  • Surreal


Price and availability not indicated


insanity, symbolic, search, complete


(2 votes)

Other artworks by Kyri

searching for completeness in my insane dream

- searching for completeness in my insane dream -

Description by Kyri

full tittle: (searching for completeness in my insane dreams), 24.9.14, ball point pen and ink pens on paper...... an idea, a thought, no one can really find completeness and if they do it it true?, but searching for it seems kinda pleasurable, until you find the answer, if it is possible, then the pleasure goes very high until it slowly disappears...... maybe is more interesting searching for it rather than finding it............... maybe.................

  • custos

    custos 2014-11-01 12:23:57

    This is marvelously complicated! I'm always amazed by your fine drawings.

  • Kyri

    Kyri 2014-11-03 20:00:05

    thank you custos.

  • Rizal Pramana

    Rizal Pramana 2014-11-28 13:23:58

    I like these series.

  • Kyri

    Kyri 2014-12-11 22:36:03

    thank you rizal.