Futurmaestri.net Fiatal tehetségek a képzőművészetben & Barátaik beta


  • 2013-04-22
  • 0
  • 73
  • Painting
  • Oil


  • Original available - 0.00 USD


(4 szavazat)

Matt1238990 egyéb alkotásai

 Haperbury cloudy day, 09/02/2013, over night

- Haperbury cloudy day, 09/02/2013, over night -

Matt1238990 leírása

oil & Acrylic on canvas size 83 by 71 inches I have been working on a series of large canvas paintings where i paint them in abandoned places. I am trying to capture the decay and atmosphere of the place, through painting. I paint them there and then leave them there to let the environment change the painting, in away that lets the painting process carry on making is self, during the absence of my self. www.matthewtonyrussell.co.uk

  • custos

    custos 2013-04-22 01:17:30

    This is an exciting approach of the making of art! Do you also have a photo of the state before leaving and letting it to the environment?

  • Kyri

    Kyri 2013-04-22 13:38:34

    nice work matt

  • Matt1238990

    Matt1238990 2013-04-22 19:03:43


    This is an image of before the second coat was applied on, so that is way it looks different to the finished piece. And thank you very much Custos for you're kind words

  • Rizal Pramana

    Rizal Pramana 2013-06-01 18:40:15

    pretty much intriguing.